
目前显示的是 六月, 2022的博文

The Competition Between French and English in EU

 When Macron was first elected president of France in May 2017, he spelled out his "French-speaking dream" -- "The glory of the French, the attraction of the French, is not just for France." He wants French to be "the first language of Africa and the first language of the world". He also mentioned the best ways to learn French . Now, the newly re-elected Macron also has to admit: in today's economic globalization, English is becoming the first international language, and its influence has penetrated into every field in France. France's language regulator, the Academie Francaise, has repeatedly warned that the French language and culture are being eroded by the English culture, which is undermining social cohesion and has called on the government to develop countermeasures. On May 30, 2022, the French Ministry of Culture revised its rules on the use of video game terms, requiring government workers to ban English video game terms in a bid to preserv...

The first Hong Kong Primary and Secondary School Mandarin Chinese Culture Competition was held

  Hong Kong, June 12 (Xinhua) The award ceremony of the first "Purple Thorn Culture Cup" Chinese Culture Putonghua competition for primary and secondary schools was held in The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on Monday. It was reported that the competition was held from May to June, and 80 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong signed up to participate. The aim of the competition is to enhance the interest and ability of young people in  learning mandarin  and promote their understanding and identification with Chinese culture. The Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government has been committed to improving students' Putonghua ability. Apart from classroom learning, schools are also encouraged to organize Putonghua learning activities so that students can learn and use putonghua at the same time, said Ms Joanna Choi, deputy Secretary for Education. In the future, the HKSAR Government will increase resources to create more opportunities for teachers and students to...

Ministry of Education: We will continue to improve mother tongue teaching materials children need support from parents in learning Chinese

 Ministry of Education: We will continue to improve mother tongue teaching materials children need support from parents in learning Chinese The Ministry of Education (MOE) said that "there is no best language but better" in the development of mother tongue teaching materials. The authorities will continue to improve the teaching materials, but in an environment where English is the main language of communication, the support of parents and the community is needed to ensure that children can learn The Chinese language well, especially learn pinyin . In a recent letter to Lianhe Zaobao, parents complained that the Chinese language teaching materials lacked new ideas and failed to arouse students' interest. As a result, heated discussions on Chinese language education were triggered and many readers submitted their opinions to our exchange site. Responding to the news, Wang Meifeng, director of the Ministry of Education's Curriculum Planning and Development Department (M...


 婴儿和幼儿是海绵,几乎可以浸入环境中的所有事物。这是真的!即使在讲故事的时候,他们的思想也在工作,吸收他们听到的所有语言和角色学习的课程。 给你的孩子读书——在任何年龄——都会促进他们的大脑发育、你的联系等等。所需要的只是几本书、动力和一点时间。 以下是如何开始。 阅读对孩子有什么好处? 首先,在您的脑海中设置场景。你选择一本书。你坐在你最喜欢的扶手椅上,把你的孩子放在腿上,打开许多光滑、色彩缤纷的页面中的第一页。 你开始阅读,你的孩子完全被这个故事迷住了。这是魔法。更好的是,您的孩子不仅在玩乐,还在学习! 现实可能看起来有点不同:只要知道你并不孤单,如果你的宝宝试图吃这本书,或者你的蹒跚学步的孩子在房间里徘徊而不是耐心地坐着。但是阅读的好处是一样的。这些经典的 英文故事书 值得参考 - 粘合 阅读为您和您的孩子提供了一个很好的交流机会。在原本忙碌的一天中,这是一种共度时光并放慢脚步的好方法。 2008 年的研究指出阅读如何支持稳固的亲子关系。孩子们在阅读时会感到安全。此外,对书籍和阅读持积极态度的看护人反过来会帮助他们的孩子以积极的方式看待识字。 - 听力技巧 大声朗读一个故事需要您孩子的某种程度的理解。理解依赖于注意力——换句话说,就是倾听技巧。 Scholastic的专家解释说,听力是孩子们在阅读之前必须掌握的技能。 他们建议,磁带书籍是与孩子一对一阅读的一个很好的补充。这些通常也提供娱乐价值,例如愚蠢的声音、音乐和其他装饰。 - 认知和语言发展 即使是最小的孩子也能从他们的看护人读给他们听的过程中受益。2013 年的一项研究表明,阅读和交谈的婴儿在语言技能和认知发展方面得分更高,比如解决问题。 2018 年的研究表明,这种联系贯穿整个童年直至青少年时期。事实上,研究人员表示,父母和幼儿之间的口头交流(阅读、交谈等)可能会一直提高到 14 岁的语言和智商分数。 - 扩大词汇量 国家幼儿发展、教学和学习中心的专家还解释说,给孩子读书有助于扩大他们使用的单词的数量和种类。想一想:您阅读的书中经常包含您在日常交流中可能不会使用的单词。 在阅读一本书时,您最终可能会为不同的植物或动物使用更具体的名称,或者完全使用更多的形容词(描述性词)。这加起来了。 一2019年学习可信来源据估计,在上幼儿园的 5 年内,经常朗读的孩子比那些年没有朗读的孩子多接...

French Chinese mom: In this sudden suspension, I discovered the truth of French education: play hard to get

France had 16,018 confirmed cases as of 11:00 A.m. In Paris, ranking fourth in Europe. The writer is the mother of a young mixed-race baby and lives in Paris with her husband. A week ago, all schools in France were closed. It was this time of studying at home with my daughter that made the author more deeply understand the true meaning of French education: knowledge is important, but it is more important to build a child's underlying core ability. At present, the novel coronavirus outbreak has spread to Europe. As of the evening of 19th local time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in France has exceeded 10,000, the whole country has been placed under martial law, and the borders of the EU have also been closed. In fact, the virus has been spreading in France since the end of February, but the liberal French have not taken it seriously enough. It was not until the evening of Thursday, March 12, that President Emmanuel Macron announced that all French nurseries, kindergartens...

Chieis 支持装饰帕尔马儿科急诊室的彩绘项目

 對於父母和孩子來說,很少有事情比去急診室更難。總部位於意大利帕爾馬的 Chiesi Pharmaceuticals 已捐款支持 Painted Hospitals 項目,以幫助為帕爾馬主要醫院的兒科急診科帶來樂趣和平靜。 Painted Hospitals項目由藝術家 Silvio Irilli 於 2012 年啟動,其目標是通過將房間塗上明亮歡快的冒險場景,讓孩子們不那麼害怕急診室。對於帕爾馬項目,病房的主題是一個魔法森林,裡面有可愛的動物、蝴蝶、風箏、氣球和平靜的藍天。這些插圖以兒童雜誌中的標誌性人物和當地著名城堡的景象為特色——所有這些都是為了營造一種舒適和熟悉的感覺。这同时也体现了 学画画的好处 。 “這是一個陌生的空間……通常是灰色或白色。這就是藝術家的想法的美妙之處,因為如果你想到一個到達兒科急診室的孩子,第一個目標就是讓他或她平靜下來,擺脫她或他的恐懼,”Chiesi 的卓越業務和客戶體驗負責人 Emanuele Camera 說。

Top programmers recommend developing these skills

  Programming jobs are in high demand, and teaching kids certain skills can help them have a better chance of succeeding in the field, CNBC reports. According to the BUREAU of Labor Statistics, computer and information technology jobs are expected to grow 13 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than all other occupations. Meanwhile, jobs website Glassdoor found that Java developer is the best job for people looking for work in the UK in 2022. According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary for this position in the UK is 55,381 pounds (NT $2.15 million or US $76,370). Parents who want their children to work in this field can help them gain the necessary skills early. This is also why teaching Python to kids .  'Adaptability and strong reading and writing skills are important, as is choosing The right programming language to learn,' says Cory Althoff, author of 'The Self-Taught Programmer.' He recommends starting with Python or JavaScript, which are easier to understand th...

Ten Reasons Why Kids Should Learn Coding

  Why do kids learn programming ? Why are children in developed countries more creative? Why is China’s youth quality education always a topic for parents to talk about? With a series of questions, we set out to find answers. Microsoft founder Bill Gates once said that children should start programming from an early age, from interest, through computer programming to cultivate creativity, only in the future our next generation can be competitive. Artificial intelligence is going deeper and deeper, and AI will be intertwined with all aspects of our daily lives. Programming is becoming more and more important as a tool for humans to communicate with computers. Countries around the world have adopted programming as a basic discipline. Programming is the foundation and core of the Internet, artificial intelligence and other high and new technologies. At present, it is on the cusp of the popularization of computer programming. Whoever can seize this cusp first will take the initiative i...


  大雨并没有阻止周二下午在诺顿最好的朋友节上的孩子们的乐趣, 学画画的好处 。年轻人在诺顿博览中心享受了节日的自行车竞技表演,并在诺顿警察局和市警长办公室的帮助下学习了一些自行车安全知识。Niswonger儿童医院的医护人员为骑行者提供免费的自行车头盔,并帮助他们戴上头盔,增加了安全性和趣味性。太阳出来的时候正好赶上了各个年龄段的年轻人和一些成年人,他们可以参加这个节日的传统“油漆罐比赛”,并在本周装饰节日活动中使用的垃圾桶。   本周最佳朋友节的亮点包括:   周三:诺顿影城儿童日上午10点开始;长者日,上午10:30至中午,在诺顿博览中心举行;公园大道市中心的狮子俱乐部/基瓦尼斯俱乐部儿童之夜,晚上5点到9点。   -周四:“触摸卡车”家庭活动,下午5-7点在公园大道展出城市和第一反应车辆;以及“与科兰驰菲尔德汽车秀和青少年舞蹈”(13-19岁),从晚上8点到11点。   周五:周五家庭娱乐之夜下午6点在公园大道的市政停车场开始   -周六:上午7-11点,诺顿博览中心,Kiwanis煎饼早餐;早上7点在世博中心开始的康复5K英雄福利跑;以及早上7点开始的全城庭院大甩卖和跳蚤市场。

Quebec appoints its first French-speaking minister after passing Bill 96

  A week after the passage of Act 96, the provincial government announced on Wednesday (June 1) that Simon Jolin-Barrette would become Quebec's first Francophone minister. Prior to that, Jolin-Bahyt had served as Quebec's justice minister, leader of parliament and in charge of the French language. The French Ministry is a new addition under Act 96, which is the first time in Quebec's history that a separate French ministry has been established. As Minister of French, Jolin-Bahyt was responsible for the formation of a new ministry to ensure the implementation of Act 96, including the recruitment of 100 civil servants in the French Office (OQLF), the provision of language policy to the government, and the appointment of a French commissioner. Born in 1987 and raised in Mont-Saint-Hilaire, on Montreal's south shore, Jolin-Bahyt is a practicing lawyer in Quebec and was elected to the provincial National Assembly in 2014. Since the CAQ came to power in 2018, Jolin-Bahyt has ...

研究:孩子們受益於每天 65 分鐘的藝術

  數以百萬計的小學生每天平均有 65 分鐘的藝術學習時間——特別是文學 17 分鐘、藝術 14 分鐘、音樂 12 分鐘、戲劇 11 分鐘和舞蹈 11 分鐘,可以從中受益。 該數字是一項推薦的藝術每日津貼 (RDA),它是根據全英國接受調查的 504 名小學教師的見解和兒童心理學家 Laverne Antrobus 的指導建立的。 它由 Sky Arts 出版,以配合 Access All Arts 週的啟動,這是一項針對小學的新的全國性藝術計劃,將持續到 6 月 10 日。 教育工作者長期以來一直相信 学画画的好处 在于,可以幫助塑造和定義孩子的身份,激發他們的想像力並激發他們的創造力。 由於學校和藝術機構的關閉,每個孩子接觸藝術的機會都受到嚴格限制,在此之後,接觸藝術並與藝術互動從未像現在這樣重要。 Access All Arts 周是與從詩人 Benjamin Zephaniah 到作家 Liz Pichon 的領先藝術家和藝術組織合作開發的,它為教師提供免費資源,讓他們在為期一周的創意冒險中學習五種藝術表達形式。 為紀念 Access All Arts 週的啟動,Sky Arts 採用了在營養方面廣為人知的 RDA 概念,並將其應用於藝術,以幫助孩子們從閱讀他們最喜歡的書中獲得每天五餐在家看書,在教室裡跳舞。 Antrobus 評論說:“有機會畫畫、跳舞、寫詩對幼兒來說有巨大的福祉,幫助他們培養自信和積極的自我形象。 接觸藝術有助於培養可能在以後的生活中需要的創造性技能——例如,解決問題和想像力。 推薦藝術每日津貼的想法是一個絕妙的方法,可以圍繞它對兒童及其發展的重要性建立一個簡單的框架。” 進行的研究還研究了特定的藝術學科,將總 RDA 分解如下: 文學 RDA(包括閱讀、編故事/創意寫作、閱讀和寫詩)——每天 17 分鐘,或每週 1 小時 59 分鐘 藝術(包括繪畫、繪畫、手工藝、著色)的 RDA – 每天 14 分鐘,或每週 1 小時 38 分鐘 音樂 RDA(包括唱歌、演奏樂器、聽音樂)——每天 12 分鐘或每週 1 小時 24 分鐘 戲劇的 RDA(包括表演、導演、寫劇本、讀劇本、去電影院或劇院、看戲劇)——每天 11 分鐘或每週 1 小時 17 分鐘 舞蹈的 RDA(包括參加任何類型的舞蹈,從踢踏舞、芭蕾舞到街舞、觀看舞蹈、編排/編排自己...

Why is Python the best language for data science?

  Everyone says Python is great, but what is the magic of Python that makes it so popular? In the field of data science, for example, Python has many complete toolkits to assist you with important data science tasks. This article will analyze the reasons why Python is so popular among scientists. Data science needs Python: Data science is the study that helps us extract information from a range of structured and unstructured data. It uses statistics, mathematics, and scientific calculations to analyze data. Because Python syntax is so simple that even people without an engineering background can easily master it, Python has become one of the most important skills to excel in data science, and it is considered the best choice for data science. Also, Python is one of the most friendly coding languages for kids to learn because it is simple and easy to understand. That's why so many parents  teaching Python to kids.    Python has a long history in data science: In 2016 ...


哪些兒童法語書最好?  在向孩子教授任何外語時,必須使用目標語言的書籍或旨在幫助教授該語言的書籍。長期以來,書籍一直是語言沉浸的重要資源,而作為文學和哲學語言的法語,有無數的選擇。  我們的首選,“Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 的 Le Petit Prince”,這是一本懷舊讀物,非常適合正在學習法語作為外語的孩子。 在購買兒童法語書籍之前要知道什麼  法語兒童書籍與兒童法語教學書籍 作为 学习法语最好的方式 ,為兒童購買法語書籍時要考慮的關鍵是書籍的預期目的。幼兒是非常好的語言學習者。他們不會對犯錯誤猶豫不決,並且更專注於理解新事物,因此年幼的孩子在為母語為法語的人編寫的兒童讀物而不是教學語言書籍方面做得更好。 教學語言書籍或語言基礎課程,例如“兒童法語”,在教大一點的孩子時有其自身的好處。這些書還側重於通過閱讀和沈浸式學習,但提供了一種更具指導性的方法。 教你的孩子一門外語 給你的孩子外語的禮物是你能為他們的未來做準備的最好的事情之一。孩子們可以通過沉浸自然地學習和吸收語言,就像他們學習母語一樣,因為他們年紀小。儘早開始他們是最好的。 為什麼我的孩子應該學習法語? 法語是教您的孩子作為外語的絕佳選擇,因為它可以在他們以後的生活中開闢職業機會。法語當然在法國使用,但在加拿大、幾個非洲國家以及世界上許多其他地區和國家也使用。法語有大約 2.8 億母語使用者,使其成為世界第五大語言。  学习法语最好的方式就是找少儿读本 在為孩子們準備的優質法語書籍中尋找什麼  容易理解 在為孩子們準備的法語書中尋找的最重要的事情是它是多麼容易理解。儘管孩子們非常容易接受外語,但給他們一本《Les Mis》並不會帶來太多好處。在為孩子挑選法語書籍時,請考慮孩子的英語閱讀水平。  專注於一個或幾個關鍵的語言概念 就像兒童英語書籍一樣,兒童法語書籍通常關註一個關鍵的語言概念。例如,經典兒童讀物《飢餓的毛毛蟲》 就著重介紹了食物詞彙的概念。 擁有一本只關註一個或幾個關鍵語言概念的書,無論它們是語法概念還是一組特定的詞彙,都可以幫助您的孩子更快地學習。  新詞彙 讓您的孩子讀法語的全部目的是讓他們可以擴展他們的法語詞彙量。因此,在為兒童購買法語書籍時,必須考慮您孩子的閱讀水平和年齡。  特別是對...